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Transatlantic Program - External Resources



Research and Analysis:


Many predicted Nato expansion would lead to war. Those warnings were ignored, The Guardian, Ted Galen Carpenter, February 2022


Which European Countries Depend on Russian Gas?, Statista, Katharina Bucholz, February 2022


Joint Statement on the U.S.-Ukraine Strategic Partnership, The White House, September 2021


The EU’s Triangular Dilemma on Climate and Trade, Peter Chase and Rose Pinkert, German Marshall Fund, September 2021


CCUS in Europe: A New Role and Implications for France and Germany, Sylvie Cornot-Gandolphe, French Institute for International Affairs, August 2021


NATO Sanctions Policy, NAADSN, Demyan Plakhov, July 2021


A Guide to Europe's Multilateral Ties, Lena Bjorkholm, Wilson Center, July 2021


A Globally Connected Europe: Council Approves Conclusions, European Council, July 2021


NATO Partners Are Invaluable Assets to our Security and our Alliance, NATO, July 2021


NATO Adopts Climate Change Action for 2030, IISD, June 2021


Divided We Stand, Dina Smeltz, Ivo H. Daalder, Karl Friedhoff, Craig Kafura, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs September 2020


NATO’s Internal Deepening, Endurance, and Expansion: Economic Incentives and Gains as an Explanatory Complement to Realist Alliance Theory, Nicoloz G. Esitashvili and Félix E. Martín, Journal of Strategic Security, September 2020


The Case for Increased Transatlantic Cooperation on Artificial Intelligence, Christie Lawrence and Sean Cordey, The Belford Center for International Affairs, August 2020


Who Should Hold Europe's Arms?, Sophia Besch, Project Syndicate, September 2019


Towards a More Capable European Union Civilian CSDP, Timo Smit, SIPRI, November 2019


Practical Lessons from U.S. Foreign Policy: The Itinerant Years, James E. Goodby and Kenneth Weisbrode, Palgrave Macmillan, November 2019


Independence play: Europe's pursuit of strategic autonomy, European Ouncil on Foreign Relations, July 2019


Is liberal democracy obsolete?, Carnegie Europe, July 2019


Europe's citizens say they want a more political EU, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Project Syndicate, May 2019


A European army or an army of Europeans?, Julian Lindley-French, January 2019


A League of Democracies, John Davenport, December 2018


Can Europe live without the United States?, roundtable discussion, August 2018


Misreading the "liberal order": Why need new thinking in American foreign policy, Paul Staniland, August 2018


German bomb debate goes nuclear, Matthew Karnitschnig, August 2018


NATO: The greatest bargain America ever got, Ira Straus, July 2018


Poland's supreme court purge is a challenge to EU values, Financial Times, July 2018


Democracies must reform or die, Josh Rogin, June 2018


How democracies can defend against disinformation, Alina Polyakova and Daniel Fried, May 2018


German public opinion warms to Macron's EU reform agenda, May 2018


It's Time for the World's Democracies to Stand Up for What They Believe In, Danielle Pletka and Vikram Singh, Washington Post, February 20, 2018


The Double Threat to Liberal Democracy, Dani Rodrik, Project Syndicate, February 13, 2018

Less Whole, Less Free, Less at Peace: Whither America's Strategy for a Post-Cold War Europe?, James Goldgeier, Project Syndicate, February 12, 2018

There's a Crack Between the U.S. and Europe over China, Hal Brands, Bloomberg, February 9, 2018


In Defense of Democracy, Chris Patten, Project Syndicate, January 30, 2018


Europe's attackers from within, Joschka Fischer, Project Syndicate, October 17, 2017


Report of the Committee of Three, NATO, October 5, 2017


Like-Minded and Capable Democracies: A New Framework for Advancing a Liberal World Order, Ash Jain, Council on Foreign Relations, January 2013


National Sovereignty: NATO and The EU's Fatal Weakness, Lexington Institute, Daniel Goure, May 2012


On Democracy versus Liberty, Steven Hanke, CATO Institute, January 20, 2011


Alliance Reborn: An Atlantic Compact for the 21st Century, Hamilton et al, Atlantic Council of the United States, January 30, 2009


"Global NATO", "League of Democracies", "Union of the West": Complementary or Contradictory?, Emiliano Alessandri and Neil Bhatiya, Freedom & Union, Winter 2009


The Shape of the Future: The Transatlantic Economy by 2025, Joseph Quinlan, German Marshall Fund of the United States, October 1, 2008


NATO's Return to Politics, Mark Joyce, RUSI Journal, June 11, 2008


NATO and Global Partnerships - To be Global or to Act Globally?, Trine Flockhart and Kristian Soby Kristensen, Danish Institute for International Studies, March 27, 2008


NATO and the European Union, Kristin Archick and Paul Gallis, Congressional Research Service, January 29, 2008


Transatlantic Integration-Delivery Time is Now, Klaus Deutsch, Deutsche Bank Research, 2008


The Dispensable Nation?, Brent Scowcroft, The National Interest, July 2007


Brussels Forum 2007 – Deepening the Transatlantic Marketplace: From Rhetoric to Reality, Bob Bennett et al., April 29, 2007


United States Barriers to Trade and Investment, Report for 2006, European Commission, February 2007


Completing the Transatlantic Market, Transatlantic Policy Network, February 2007


Stronger Political Structures for NATO, Gen. James Jones, Freedom and Union, Vol II, No. 1, Spring 2007


Towards a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World, Renewing Transatlantic Partnership, Klaus Naumann et al., Noaber Foundation, 2007


Trans-Atlantic Partnership in Prosperity, Michael C. Maibach, European-American Business Council, 2007


Proposal for a Common Currency Among Rich Democracies, Richard N. Cooper, Harvard University, December 2006


NATO Common Funding and Peace Support Operations: A comparative perspective, Kees Homan, Clingendael Institute of International Relations, October 26, 2006


The Impossible Mandate: Military Preparedness, the Responsibility to Protect and Modern Peace Operations, Victoria K. Holt and Tobias C. Berkman, Stimson Center, September 1, 2006


Global NATO, Ivo Daalder and James Goldgeier, Foreign Affairs, September 1, 2006


The European Union and the United States: Global Partners, Global Responsibilities, Delegation of the European Commission to the United States, 2006


Lessons from America's Founding Fathers and U.S. Experience, in Reagonomics Goes Global: What Can the EU, Russia and Other Transatlantic Democracies Learn from the USA?, Steve H. Hanke, 2006


NATO: An Alliance For Freedom, José María Aznar, The Spain Herald, November 29, 2005


Resolution 337 on Enhanced Common Funding of NATO Operations, NATO Parliamentary Assembly, November 15, 2005


The United States and the European Union Initiative to Enhance Transatlantic Economic Integration and Growth, United States and European Union, June 20, 2005


Transatlantic Intelligence and Security Cooperation, R.J Aldrich, International Affairs, vol. 80, no. 4, July 2004


European Defense Reform: The Beginning of the Beginning, Radek Sikorski, American Enterprise Institute, September 1, 2004


The League of Free Nations Association, the First Organized Attempt to Move Policy Towards a Union of Democracies, Donald Dennis, Streit Council, 2004


An Elective Partnership: Salvaging Transatlantic Relations, in Survival, vol. 45, no 2, James Steinberg, Summer 2003


NATO Enlargement, Paul E. Gallis, Congressional Research Service, May 5, 2003


All Dressed Up and No Place to Go: Why NATO Should Be on the Front Lines in the War on Terror, Rebecca Johnson and Micah Zenko, Parameters, U.S. Army War College, Winter 2002-2003


Reforging the Atlantic Alliance, Philip H. Gordon, National Interest, September 1, 2002


New Transatlantic Marketplace: NTM, Sir Leon Brittan, Mr. Bangemann, and Mr. Monti, The European Union, 1998


Primary Sources:


NATO Response Force, NATO, Updated Regularly


NATO Enlargement, NATO, Updated Regularly


NATO and the Fight Against Terrorism, NATO, Updated Regularly


NATO’s Relations with Contact Countries, NATO, Updated Regularly


Interim National Security Strategic Guidance, The White House, March 2020


Strategic Concept for the Defense and Security of the Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, NATO, November 2010


Transatlantic Economic Partnership, United States and European Union, May 18, 1998


New Transatlantic Agenda Conference Report, United States and European Union, May 6, 1997


The North Atlantic Treaty, Heads of State, April 4, 1949



Delegation of the European Union to the United States


European Defence Agency




NATO Allied Command Transformation

NATO International Security and Assistance Force - Afghanistan (ISAF)


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)


Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)


Transatlantic Business Dialogue


Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue


Transatlantic Economic Council


Transatlantic Legislators Dialogue


U.S. Mission to the European Union

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