
Streit Council's Executive Director, Dr. Tiziana Stella, together with Campbell Craig publish, "Is International Cooperation Possible?"
Dr. Tiziana Stella, together with Professor Campbell Craig, discuss the ever pressing need for international cooperation as our planet faces increasingly dire crises like climate change and the threat of nuclear war. They argue that, "unless the world's major states work together, preventing catastrophe may be impossible, as the earlier world federalists understood." (Read More)

Streit Council's Executive Director, Dr. Tiziana Stella, together with other historians contributes to "H-Diplo Discussion Forum on Histories of Global Order"
Dr. Tiziana Stella, together with other historians, discuss the idea of global order through the lens of history. They seek to answer questions such as: "how do we conceive of and define global order, who are the actors, how do we study global orders, and what other disciplines do we read?" (Read More)

Streit Council Vice Chairman Domènec Ruiz Devesa argues "The European political system cannot work if citizens do not know or understand it"
Domènec Ruiz Devesa, presenting to the European Parliament, argues that extended education is needed to help facilitate more participation in politics by the average European citizen. This can be achieved by promoting school practices that include discussions and learning through activities that foster critical thinking and understanding of others as well as developing open-minded social attitudes. This would be added onto the fostering of participation in democratic practices. (Read More)

Streit Council Board Member Steve H. Hanke on the Russian sanctions.
In a podcast with CATO institute, Steve H. Hanke discusses the current Russian sanctions. He argues that in the history of U.S. sanctions, most have failed to achieve the objective of those that implemented them and often have unintended consequences. (Listen Here)

Streit Council Board Member Emiliano Alessandri on "Tunisia's incomplete transition," after the Arab Spring.
Emiliano Alessandri discusses Tunisia ten years after the overthrow of President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali and the fact that democratic ambitions have been backsliding back towards illiberal policies. Despite these setbacks though, Tunisian society has transformed from one with a "strait-jacket of top-down rule) to one with increasingly "bottom-up tendencies and dynamics." (Read More)